12 February
An Evening of Today - six premieres by young composers
Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, Amsterdam
Nieuw Ensemble
5 and 6 March
Composer readings in cooperation with Royal Conservatory of The Hague
Tarwekamp, The Hague
Oerknal! new music collective
6 and 7 March
INDUSTRY - Music by Gordon, Lang, and Reich
Nutshuis, The Hague | Ostadetheater, Amsterdam
Oerknal! new music collective
8 April
Terry Riley and Friends - World premiere of Terry Riley's "Children of Gaza"
Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, Amsterdam
World Minimal Music Festival
28 May
Festival Prix Annelie de Man - work by Gianni Bozzolo for harpsichord and ensemble
Orgelpark, Amsterdam
Annelie de Man Ensemble
18 and 19 June
Satyricon Revisited - Music by Arne Gieshoff, Brian Ferneyhough, Lewis Nielson
GEMAK, The Hague | Splendor, Amsterdam
Oerknal! new music collective
1 thru 16 August
Music by Ives, Rorem, Ravel, and Gruber
NJO, Apeldoorn
Dutch National Youth Orchestra